Shorty eating lunch, San Francisco Ferry Building...
New Photographs
Photographs For No One... #8
Photographs: On The Road #4
Near Mount Shasta, Highway 5 South, Northern California...
Photographs For No One... #7
Photographs: On The Road #3
Highway 5 South, Northern California...
Photographs For No One... #6
Photographs: On The Road #2
Somewhere near the Oregon / California state line...
Photographs For No One... #5
Photographs For No One... #4
Photographs: Grid #
Photographs For No One... #3
Photographs: Shorty At The Lake
Photographs For No One... #2
Photographs: Sacramento and Stockton Street
Photographs For No One... #1
Photographs: #1 California Bus, Chinatown
Photographs: On The Road...
On the road. North bound Highway 5, somewhere south of Eugene, Oregon. September of 2009.Leica M2, 35mm lens, Ilford HP-5 film.
Photographs: Sacramento St., Chinatown
Sacramento and Grant Streets. Chinatown, San Francisco, California. September of 2009.Leica M2, 35mm lens, Ilford HP-5 film.
Photographs: Couch On Noe St.
Couch on Noe Street. San Francisco, California. August of 2009.Minolta Autocord. Tri-X 400 film.
Photographs: Church St. Train Stop
Church Street Train Stop. San Franicsco, California. August of 2009.Minolta Autocord, Arista 400 film.